Christmas Past: Traditions and Memories That Have Shaped the Season

December 6, 2011

It’s that time of year, and we’re getting into the holiday spirit! We’ve collected some fond memories and traditions from members of the Ellis family to share with you this Christmas season.

“Christmas past, you ask? The stockings for our boys were filled every day until Christmas, starting December 1.  We had purchased all kinds of odds and ends throughout the year and wrapped them without trying to disguise them.  To this day, I remember them dashing in from school to pour out the contents of their stockings to see what was new and see if they could guess what was in it.  It is a tradition they remember to this day and talk about how much fun it was… and they are both in their 40s now.”

“At Christmas time growing up, my family would drive around and look at Christmas lights together on Christmas Eve. My favorite Christmas song has always been Silent Night. Another tradition that I grew up with was opening one present on Christmas Eve from an out of town family member. “

“A Christmas tradition in my family was started because my mother’s birthday was on Christmas Day. We had a party at our house the evening of Christmas Day. The concept of the party was a simple get together of friends and family in a very relaxed atmosphere and a chance to unwind at the end of a very hectic day. First of all, no one had to RSVP to the invitation, all guests were told to come dressed as comfortably as they wanted and to not bring any type of food or drink – just show up and bring any family members they had visiting for the holidays. Guests were welcomed back every year as it was an open annual invitation. The whole idea was to have a relaxed, evening of visiting and sharing how the day had gone and to just enjoy a chance to unwind but still continue the joy and excitement of Christmas Day.”

“Every year since I was a young child, our tradition has been to make gumbo on Christmas Eve and go to midnight mass.  I remember as a little girl being in a play.  I was a singer and dancer who danced around Frosty the Snowman.  My little sister was Baby Jesus… she fell asleep in the manger! One of the best gifts I received was a blue and white bike that had monkey bars and a banana seat!  I was so excited because my Dad had picked it out just for me!”

“Decorating our Christmas tree every year always had us reminiscing, pulling out baby booties, silver baby cups,  and all the macaroni art the children made in their younger years… including all the ornaments from our loved ones who were no longer with us.”

“As a little girl, and being the youngest by far in a big family, Christmas was a big deal for me. I have very fond memories of gifts, decorations, and our family getting together to celebrate this one special day each year. As a teen, I became involved in the church, and for four years was the lead in our annual Christmas musical. Those were the best Christmases – feeling special and receiving a lot of gifts. Seeing my family close when we all lived so far apart was a blessing. It was always an anticipated time of year.”

“Last Christmas we took a trip on the Polar Express all dressed in pajamas to visit Santa.  To add an extra special touch, I made the kids gold Polar Express train tickets that had “Believe” punched out just like in the movie.  The kids were so excited that Santa sent them special tickets they still have them hanging in their rooms.”

“I remember before Christmas I always bugged my parents to let me open a present early. One year they finally caved in and let me open a present, except their stipulation was they got to pick out which one. I was so excited to open a present, but I was one of those kids who took my time and peeled back every piece of tape individually being extra careful! I felt the present, trying to guess what it was. The anticipation was growing. Finally, when I had peeled each piece of tape and pulled back each flap of paper I found a pack of batteries. I looked at my parents as they chuckled. What torture! Now I had batteries that went to some other gift but I had to wait until the next morning to find out what it was. From then on, we had a tradition of opening one present on Christmas Eve. Good memories!”

“Every Christmas, my dad always had to watch Miracle on 34th street and listen to “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer”. He would say it was not officially Christmas time until he heard that song.”

“I was born and raised in Indiana but call Texas my home.  My brothers and I built many snowmen and tunnels and used our sled ever year!”

“Our family started making a gingerbread house every Christmas when our children were very young.  When our son was just a toddler, we would laugh as we watched the gingerbread house “decay” throughout the Christmas season. Every time he toddled by, he would slip a piece of candy off of the house and into his mouth.  By the end of the season, the house was quite plain, just covered in white icing with holes where the candy decorations had been.”

“Christmas time at Ellis has always been a treat, but one particular year will always stick out in my mind. Our management team was treated to a spectacular trip to New York City, which during the holiday season was amazing especially for those of us who were there for the first time. We had a great time with fabulous meals, limo rides, late night New York pizza, a Christmas Rockettes show, a Today Show visit, Rockefeller Plaza, Times Square, shopping all over NYC and then a snowstorm to top it all off! To see New York City decked out for Christmas truly was a treat!”

What memories do you hold dear from Christmases past? We would love to hear your stories!

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